What is Ahimsa for you ? For me ‘Ahimsa’ was always synonymous with Mahatma Gandhi or vice versa. As a child I remembered 2 things about Gandhiji’s ahimsa ; that he was a vegetarian and that he got us freedom without guns and swords . Since I am a vegetarian I thought half the battle is won .Since I am not a politician or a social activist the second part didn’t bother me. So I went on happily .But as you grow old your sensibilities become subtler. Then came a time when I gave up wearing silks and I patted myself ! Good job! But there continued a nagging feeling within me. What more is there to ahimsa ? Slowly the answers came. For me now it means a whole lot of thing like :
Appreciating life’s little nameless acts of kindness and of love.
Keeping our enthusiasm alive even if it is not reciprocated.
Having the courage to apologise when we are wrong.
Not using people.
Not wanting to settle scores .
Not using repartees just to show that we are smarter.
Not being the ‘devil’s advocate’ .Empathize,empathize,empathize!
Letting go. Moving on.
Removing our blinkers.
Recognising that there is neither winning nor losing in relationships.
Sharpening the intellect. Conquering emotions.
Being happy when we are alone.
Wanting others to enjoy life even when we are not around.
Knowing it is time to quit !
This is me @60! What is your take on Ahimsa ? Do send me your list…..
PS. Ahima is also being gentle with the ‘delete’ button when you receive unsolicited SMSs and email forwards…….
never really thought about this till u brought it up! but it sounds way out of reach and ur list sounds very daunting! Dont know if i will get there even when i am 60!
great stuff !!!
thgis one is really good...
A good thought in good words !
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