Friday, October 16, 2009

The Gift of Anger

“Ever been frustrated or angry?

No one has ever escaped that. Once you learn to look at the deeper source of anger suddenly it becomes a gift – an opportunity for greater awareness and growth.

Here’s how.

As long as something works for us, we do not feel this discomfort. As long as we feel that the person (or group or organization or system) we are engaged with gives us something valuable in exchange of the energy that we invest, it all works well. It is an even energy exchange. The problem begins when we start to feel that the exchange is not fair. Somehow we are not receiving what we deserve. We are being taken for granted. We are not being given our rightful value by someone else.

It somehow feels that the other wields the power and we have none. Hence, frustration, anger, resentment and what have you.

There is a whole different side to this story that we completely miss – the energy interpretation, the spiritual side. When this happens it is our inner spirit whispering to us “you can do better than that; you deserve better than that……..”

Click on to and see for yourself ( post dated Aug.3rd 2009) as to how a so called negative emotion like anger is transformed into a total spiritual experience. At the end of it you will bless me, I am sure.

1 comment:

nalini said...

Worth reading, very interesting.Thanks a lot for sharing!