“ Old order changeth, yielding place to the new ”… Another New Year is here… How are we going to celebrate it ?
For most ,it is party time,late nights and stuff like that. I love the smell of celebrations in the air although I am well past the partying age.
I still love the new calendars (those with colourful pictures !) even if they are out of fashion now. And I miss the excitement of opening New Year cards . I mean the actual cards , not the ecards. Last year A sent me one card and I almost fainted with disbelief.
New Year resolutions do not interest me anymore ,but let me confess, New Years do have a sobering effect on me. How long the ‘sobering’ lasts is a different matter all together ! Right now I am taking a little time off - to pause, to take a breath, to look back and re-adjust my ways of thinking and perceiving.
Life in Kerala has been a roller-coaster ride. Had it not been so, the Arien in me would have been hopping mad by now. Heard about the ‘boiled frog syndrome ?’. My family has chewed up all their nails worrying about my next move. They need not worry. The comfort zone is far far away.There has not been a dull moment in 2009-it has been a mix of ups and downs . More downs than ups, I would say . But a die-hard optimist, here am I looking forward to a better year ahead with the hope that :
Perhaps I will be a bit wiser to handle the maids
A bit richer to afford a few onions
A little braver to face the unexpected hartals
A little patient while crossing roads so as to live a little longer
A little more daring so as to enjoy the bumpy drives
A little more trusting in the Divine
When this land is called God’s Own Country !
More than anything else
I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.